Kristine Pommert is an award-winning radio documentary maker and journalist, trainer and career coach, with 20 years’ experience at the BBC.
Whether you are an individual, charity, or small company, I can offer you a tailor-made solution that meets your specific needs – from podcasts for your website and training in how to handle radio and TV interviews, to finding ways of tapping into the hidden job market.
I deliver radio programmes and podcasts of the highest quality, first-rate broadcast and media training, and individually tailored career-related
training and career coaching, including for people recovering from cancer.
I also offer research impact training and workshops for researchers preparing impact case studies for the REF2021 via the specialist agency, Bulletin.
Using my media, training and coaching skills, I can help you achieve your personal or corporate goals through high-quality, practical solutions.
Contact me to discuss your needs and find out how I can help you.
News, Spring 2020:
Radio and podcasts:
My latest production for BBC Radio 3 started its run on 9th March. In a series of five Essays called Home Sweet Home, writer and journalist Madeleine Bunting examines the many facets of what we call home - taking in homesickness and homelessness as well as the little pointy house that denotes home on a computer screen along the way. You can hear the entire series here.
I've also been working on a passion project, Who Cares - a documentary for the BBC World Service. In it we hear the voices of domestic care workers from abroad who enable the elderly and disabled in Britain to stay in their own homes. Among them is Ziad, a refugee from Syria who used to be a lecturer at Damascus University. Listen out for some astonishing stories on 14th April.
We were delighted to be "Highly Commended" at the AIB Awards (Association for International Broadcasting) last November: in the Human Interest category, the judges praised our BBC World Service documentary, After Suicide, for its “reliance on the power of talk”, saying it was “powerful, considered many different perspectives and explored beyond the expected”.
On overview of more of my programmes, and productions I have overseen, is here.
Impact skills training:
With the deadline for the REF2021 fast approaching, I have been very busy with impact skills training for research-active academics. Here's a small selection of the feedback I have received:
"Been to many of these types of sessions and it takes time to find the session that best works for you – this was the session, so I know where to look for the next REF."
"You were wonderful."
"Excellent. Knowledgeable, clear communicator, helpful, encouraging."
(Writing a Strong Impact Case Study, with feedback. School of Business and Econonomics, Loughborough University, February 2020)
"Essential training for any researcher – even if you don’t think your work is impactful – might make you reconsider!"
"Very clear, listens, fully engaged with everyone at the session, experienced, useful, direct and personalized advice."
"This session allowed me to generate ideas, clarify my understanding of what impact looks like, and inspired me to develop my research with this in mind."
(Impact training for Early Career Researchers, University of Winchester, February 2020)
"Exceptionally clear. Very well organized."
"Excellent use of differentiation technique – establishing level of experience in each attendee very early on."
"Very clear in the discussion and providing examples of what to do and not to do."
(Environment Statement workshop, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, January 2020)
"Lovely, really knowledgeable, good feedback, constructive feedback."
"Engaging, personable and helpful as well as very knowledgeable – thanks."
"Very good session. Well worth attending."
(Writing a Strong Impact Case Study, University of Huddersfield, January 2020)
"Very good and clear, passionate as well!"
"Excellent knowledge and good at explaining and discussing themes."
"I'm feeling better equipped/more confident to write my impact case study."
(Participants, Advanced Research Impact and Case Study Writing, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, November 2019)
"Expert in field. Took control over participants talking and meandering when necessary, in a polite manner."
"Clear, no nonsense, very useful unpacking of each section."
"I really appreciated the bespoke feedback to our individual case studies and clarifying areas that were not necessarily obvious from the guidance."
(Participants, Advanced Research Impact and Case Study Development, Falmouth University, November 2019)
"I want to extend a huge thank you for all your expert input and assistance over the last 12 months. The RAE [Hong Kong equivalent of the REF] has fully extended us... but a really onerous and stressful exercise has been made more manageable through your work with us."
(Prof Louise Cummings, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of English)
"Fantastic. Very clear and helpful."
"Engaging and well prepared."
"The critical review of the strengths and weaknesses was very helpful. Ideas on how to collect evidence (retrospectively) are also very useful and welcome."
(Participants, University of Huddersfield, Writing a Strong Impact Case Study, October 2019)
"Very good – Kristine was clear, knowledgeable and helpful."
"Enthusiastic, concise and constructive."
"She knows her stuff!"
(Participants, Research Impact, Evidence Gathering and Writing Your Impact Story, British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, June 2019)
"It was delivered at a very appropriate pace and opened up discussions nicely."
"Clear info and useful advice. Good to see concrete examples of impact case studies."
"Good to seek a sense of what we hoped to get from the session before starting the presentation. Well paced and very informative."
"Kristine was excellent. Knowledgeable, engaging, excellent."
(Participants, Advanced Research Impact and Case Study Development, University of Portsmouth, February 2019)
"Tremendous grasp of the two drafts [discussed during the session]."
"Excellent. Really knowledgeable and made topics accessible."
"Tailored to the writers - it addressed where they were."
(Participants, Advanced Research Impact and Case Study Development, University of Winchester, Department of Law, February 2019)
"Very professional, kept the momentum, provoked comment."
"Clear, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, supportive and encouraging."
"Well informed, very accommodating and willing to take comments/questions."
(Participants, Advanced Research Impact, Case Study Development and Evidence Gathering, Aberystwyth University, January 2019)
Further comments are on the Testimonials page.
Career coaching:
This lovely comment is from a coaching client:
"You picked me up when I was at an all-time low and set me firmly back on track. Thank you for giving me my confidence in myself back. I'm ready to fly now!"